one tree hill drawings by peyton

Don't you mean …. Peyton Scott?
―Final line [src]

Peyton Scott (née Sawyer) was one of the main female protagonist of "One Tree Hill". She was portrayed by Hilarie Burton.

Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer was originally a rebellious cheerleader who first met her husband, Lucas Scott, during their junior year, when she was the girlfriend of the popular jock Nathan Scott, who also happened to be Lucas's half-brother. Peyton struggled through the death of both her biological and adoptive mothers, but overcame the hardship and emerged a stronger woman from it. She was known for her strength and independence.

Portraying her emotions through art and music, Peyton established a music label after a miserable start of her career in the music business with a big label in Los Angeles. Through this label, she found and signed Mia Catalano, and they soon become good friends. After her wedding and the birth of her daughter, Sawyer Brooke Scott, Peyton and her family moved away from Tree Hill, leaving the label to be run by Haley James Scott, Peyton's sister-in-law, along with Brooke Davis. Brooke and Haley constituted Peyton's life and have been her greatest support system after all the grief she went through.

Peyton was always best friends with Brooke Davis, a friendship that overcame many troubles during high school and managed to survive even after graduation, despite a vast geographical separation.

Story of the Character

Early Life

Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer was the only child born to : Elizabeth "Ellie" Harp and Mick Wolf. Due to their inability to be able to cope with a newborn child, they gave her up for adoption, choosing Larry and Anna Sawyer to become Peyton's parents. Peyton shared many happy memories with her adoptive family and grew close to them both, especially her adoptive mother Anna. Anna died in a car accident when Peyton was eight, leaving her to be mainly brought up by her father; who was frequently absent due to his career.

Unfortunately in 1997, her adoptive mom, Anna got caught in a tragic car accident when she ran a red light, going to pick up eight-year-old Peyton from school. The accident that cost Anna her life made a large impact on Peyton's life, as it drove an unintentional wedge between her and her father as she grew. She became closed-off and expressed herself through art, music, and words. Dealing with the grief of her mother's death, Peyton soon found a friend in Brooke Davis, who constantly visited her to see if she was all right, and spent most of her days with Peyton underneath a bridge in Tree Hill. Unknown to both of them, her biological mom was watching them from a distance. To deal with his grief, Peyton's father Larry began working away from home in an effort to make more money on a trudge boat, forcing Peyton to live alone for long periods of time.

From the start of their friendship, Brooke and Peyton's relationship only strengthened. Since Brooke's eighth birthday, the two friends had made it a tradition for Brooke's birthday to go to the mall together right before closing time. Brooke would then point out the present she'd like, and Peyton would steal it. However, unknown to Brooke, Peyton later always went back to pay for it. They attended eighth-grade cheerleading camp together, and stuck together in high school when they both joined the Tree Hill Ravens cheerleading squad, a hobby that Peyton felt she never really fit into, but committed to nonetheless in loving memory of her late mother, who had also been a cheerleader for the Ravens basketball team. Consequently, Peyton started up a relationship with high school star basketball player, Nathan Scott. Their relationship was mainly physical and argumentative, shifting constantly between on and off. One of these arguments got so heated that it even drove Peyton to punch a wall, leaving a permanent scar on her knuckle.

Unlike most cheerleaders, Peyton nourished an interest in art and music. She listened to rock and punk, and constantly drew to represent her emotions, which were deeper and darker than those of the stereotypical cheerleader. This was a side of her to which Nathan never paid attention to, nor understood. Peyton had the idea of starting an all-ages club, some sort of safe haven where underage people could go to listen to great music; she accomplished this dream (she started TRIC) with the support of Karen Roe, Lucas's mother. Through her love for music, she developed a close relationship with Haley James.

Season 1

Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer, is the classic tall, blonde and beautiful girl, that every guy wants, and like a classic cheerleader, she's in a relationship with the captain of the high school basketball team: Nathan Scott, and is also the best friend of the captain of the cheerleader team: Brooke Davis. Peyton and Nathan broke up after, Peyton reasoned that their relationship was more about the "benefits" than love and she was unhappy. In addition, she realized that she does not want to be the star basketball player's girlfriend anymore. She had a romantic interest in her ex's brooding half brother, Lucas Scott. Through various interactions with Lucas, she finds that he is kind and thoughtful towards her, in contrast to Nathan's arrogant and careless treatment of her. Lucas has had a huge childhood crush on the brooding teen and always dreamed that she would be his one day. Because of the encounters he has with his nemesis Nathan, Lucas and Peyton see each other more, soon after producing a spark between the two. However, at a party at Nathan's home, Peyton becomes scared and runs from Lucas after he admits his want and need for her; Lucas is left heartbroken and desperate. Later, at a frat party, Peyton meets up with a male college student named Gabe, who puts a date-rape drug in her drink. Peyton's best friend, Brooke, saves her right before she is about to be raped. Brooke then calls Lucas for help and Lucas takes care of her for the night. Oddly enough, Lucas and Brooke bond over taking care of a drugged Peyton.

Peyton later goes to visit Lucas and professes that she wants what he wants. But Peyton is too late; Brooke, who is already in the house, walks in on the two of them, wearing nothing but Lucas's sweatshirt (Peyton then knowing that the two are together). Lucas is then forced to make a decision and chooses Brooke because he is afraid that Peyton will hurt him again. The two remain, great friends, even as Brooke shows jealousy regarding their growing friendship. After taking a trip to see if Peyton's dad was killed during a storm while he was out at sea, an emotionally-wrecked Peyton kisses Lucas. The two lose themselves in heated passion and almost have sex, but Lucas's necklace, which Brooke had given him, gets caught in Peyton's hair and they soon stop what they are doing. On their way home, Peyton tells Lucas to bury what happened and that it did not mean anything. A disappointed Lucas asks if it really did not, with Peyton shortly after saying, "Of course it did." The two remain secret lovers, though no sex is involved, and they finally declare their love for each other. Stolen kisses are shared, but they know that it is wrong and that they should both tell Brooke. On the night that they decide to tell Brooke, Lucas gets into a car accident, which brings back painful memories for Peyton because her mother had died in a car crash.

Brooke ends her friendship with Peyton. ("Suddenly Everything Has Changed")

Lucas subsequently goes into a coma. When Lucas finally comes home from the hospital, he breaks up with Brooke with an explanation of their relationship not being the best thing for right now. Peyton comes to comfort Lucas for his return, but soon avoids Lucas after realizing how much the breakup is hurting Brooke. Lucas, who feels he has to see Peyton, sneaks out of his house to go see her. As the two begin to talk, Lucas suddenly falls back on her bed with a high fever. Peyton calls Karen to meet the two at the hospital. But Brooke is with Karen at the time and goes to check on Lucas; she catches the two through Peyton's webcam being affectionate in more than just a friendly way, as a passionate kiss is shared between them. Lucas's computer is on, with Peyton's website up on his screen. Peyton ends their secret affair and explains that they are hurting Brooke too much, and says that she does not want to be "a bad person". Lucas is crushed, as well as Peyton. Later that night, Brooke stops by Peyton's and explains she saw her friend and her ex together. She breaks off their friendship. Lucas watches the event unravel on Peyton's webcam

Peyton sees Jake and Jenny off. ("The Leaving Song")

Peyton continued to avoid Lucas, while Brooke continued to avoid Peyton. Peyton was ashamed for her actions and shattered over the loss of her friend. Brooke declared her friendship with Peyton to be over, but Brooke's petty and childish treatment of Peyton caused Peyton to be annoyed in retaliation, though she still wished to rekindle her friendship with Brooke. However, the pair soon bonded over a cheerleading event in Charlotte. After that, Brooke shunned Peyton once again. Peyton began spending more time with Lucas's best friend, Haley James, and with Jake Jagielski, along with Jake's daughter, Jenny. Eventually, her friendship with Lucas was slowly reformed, the two even anding a party together at Nathan's apartment. But at the party, Peyton and Nicki, Jake's ex and Jenny's mother fight. Peyton realized Nicki was the girl Lucas hooked up with at a bar, shortly after getting dumped by Peyton. Peyton was furious and felt betrayed, along with Brooke. This drew a wedge between Lucas and Peyton, but reconciled the friendship between Brooke and Peyton. Peyton started spending more time with Jak, and helped him escape from Nicki, who tried to take their daughter from Jake's grasp. Peyton's relationship with Lucas remained broken.

Season 2

Peyton reacts after Felix spray paints dyke onto her locker. ("Don't Take Me for Granted")

In Season 2, Peyton at first goes through a difficult time. Although at first, she has initial success with getting an all-ages club, TRIC, opened, and with encouraging Haley to perform at the club, which eventually fuels Haley's desire to be a singer, Peyton begins to get involved with cocaine. She feels alone, as her father is away again, and she does not know where Jake is. She feels saddened that everyone is dealing with their issues and not helping her or realizing that she is upset or going through a very difficult time in her life. She is accused of being a lesbian by Felix Taggaro and faces public humiliation when he spray-paints 'DYKE' on her locker, just so his sister, Anna Taggaro, will not get upset by talk of her being a lesbian (it is later revealed that Anna is bisexual, though she also uses the word "gay" to assert her sexuality).

Peyton with Jake. ("Unopened Letter to the World")

Hope comes for Peyton when just as she is about to fall off her mantle and buy some cocaine, Jake comes back into her life. It turns out that an argument between Lucas and Peyton made Lucas realize that he had not been there for Peyton, and knew he could not pick up the pieces of her broken heart. As a result, he was the one who called Jake, knowing that Jake would have a positive effect on her. This does, and sparks a turnaround for Peyton, and she and Jake fall in love. But this happiness is short-lived as Nicki comes back wanting custody of Jenny. Nicki eventually takes Jenny away from Jake and runs off, causing Jake to run after her, which leaves Peyton alone and heartbroken. Soon, someone named Ellie Harp gets in contact with Peyton saying that she is from Alternative Press magazine and wants to do an interview. But when Peyton starts receiving some strange e-mails from someone named 'WATCHMEWATCHU', she begins to suspect that it is Ellie. Ellie, however, denies sending the e-mails and shockingly informs Peyton that she is Peyton's mother. The finale ends with a crying, bewildered Peyton on a beach, and Lucas coming to comfort her shortly after confessing his feelings for Brooke and having her more or less reject him. He tells her, "Looks like it's just you and me this summer," and the pair share a meaningful hug.

Season 3

Peyton argues with her birth mother Ellie. ("A Multitude of Casualties")

Peyton learns that her biological mother is still alive and that her name is Ellie Harp. Lucas witnesses Ellie purchasing drugs, but he learns that she was buying them for medical reasons, as she has breast cancer. Meanwhile, Peyton is angry with Haley because she left Tree Hill to go on tour, but soon they make amends. Peyton reveals that her hostility toward Haley was because she was the only one that came back out of all the people who have left her. Peyton soon grows close to Ellie, and they collaborate on a CD called "Friends With Benefit", which benefits breast cancer research, and will also have a concert at TRIC. Amongst the performers are Haley James Scott, Fall Out Boy, Jack's Mannequin and Nada Surf. Unfortunately, Ellie dies from her disease before she sees the CD or the concert, leaving Peyton devastated.

Peyton and Brooke at the school shooting. ("With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept")

A school shooting breaks out, and Peyton is left fighting for her life after being shot in the leg by Jimmy Edwards (who accidentally shot Peyton after shattering a glass panel and did not specifically intend to hurt her). Peyton was with Brooke when the event unraveled, but Brooke fled the building without knowing Peyton was not behind her. Brooke tells Lucas that Peyton is still inside, having Lucas then run inside the building to save his friend for his sake and Brooke's- he finds her afraid and bleeding profusely inside the school's library. Peyton cannot walk due to the injury, so escaping is out of the question. Lucas and Peyton stay in hiding. Lucas wraps her leg, hoping to help the bleeding and pain subside, but as Peyton is falling out of consciousness, he forces her to talk about a fun day she once had. She tells him about building a snow fort with Brooke in middle school. Minutes later, after earning a promise from Lucas about everything being okay, Peyton loses the hope of her surviving, despite Lucas's promise to get her out of there alive, and kisses Lucas; letting him know that she loves him before she passes out but admitting that she's lost a lot of blood and isn't in her right mind. However, Lucas returns the kiss. Peyton falls unconscious. Lucas, not wanting her to die, carries her out of the building, even at the risk of being killed by the shooter.

Peyton meets Jake and Jenny at the airport. ("I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me")

Before Ellie passes away, she leaves a piece of advice to Peyton regarding Peyton's love life. Peyton decides to give love another try and dates Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy. Their relationship does not work out, since Pete is busy with touring. Peyton's father tells her to follow her heart and listen to it, so Peyton decides to give Jake a visit in Savannah; she knows that she still loves him and feels that this will be enough for them to be happy. She renews her relationship with Jake and Jenn, and even goes far enough to propose marriage to Jake, who gladly accepts. But that happiness fades once Jake overhears Peyton say, "I love you, Lucas," in her sleep. Peyton is then forced to confront Jake about the kiss she and Lucas shared on the day of the shooting. Jake figures that while Peyton loves him, she is actually in love with Lucas. He tells her to go back to Tree Hill, and to find out if Lucas is still in her heart. If he is not, Jake promises to still be there, waiting. Peyton does as Jake has advised. In the season three finale, Brooke ends her friendship once again with Peyton after Peyton tells her that she still has romantic feelings for Lucas. Lucas later tells Brooke about the kiss in the library. At the end of the episode, Peyton burns pictures of herself with Brooke. She then picks up a picture of the three of them (herself, Brooke and Lucas) and burns it. The season ends with Haley and Nathan renewing their vows, and Peyton is alone and left at odds with Brooke.

Season 4

Brooke and Peyton fight. ("Prom Night at Hater High")

Peyton discovers that she has a half brother named Derek and, with prompting from Lucas, agrees to meet him. But the guy she meets isn't her half-brother, but an internet stalker who is the owner of the "WATCHMEWATCHU" emails and has been taking pictures of her, listening to her podcast, watching her on her webcam, and even going so far as to get a tattoo of Ellie's drawing of her on his back and making a prostitute dress like Peyton before they had sex. Unaware of all this and in an attempt to be more trusting, Peyton accepts him. However, Lucas soon grows suspicious of this 'Derek' when he catches him sniffing Peyton's hair during a hug and finds Peyton's jacket, which had gone missing, on the beaten prostitute still dressed as Peyton. Peyton soon realizes the truth, and in a terrifying encounter, is manhandled and nearly molested by "Psycho Derek". Lucas and the real Derek come to her rescue, pushing him out a window, but by the time the police show up, he disappeared. The event causes Peyton to withdraw into herself, becoming scared and even skipping school and getting four locks on her bedroom door. Derek, who is in the Marine Corps and unwilling to open his heart to people after trying that at first only to watch them die, avoids Peyton until Lucas comes and talks some sense into him. He and Peyton develop a healthy sibling relationship, and he helps her come to terms with her fear, not only of Derek but of confessing her feelings to Lucas. Peyton is unwilling to ruin the friendship that she and Lucas have, especially until she is sure that he and Brooke are over. At Derek's encouragement, she asks Lucas to a banquet to honor Whitey, only to find out he is going with Brooke. Disappointed, she takes Derek instead. Derek tells her that he is being deployed to Iraq. That night Lucas comes over to Peyton's to tell her that it is finally over between him and Brooke. She immediately confesses that she's in love with him, to which Lucas just says "Oh." It's not until after winning the state finals that Lucas realizes that it is Peyton he wants and the two start dating, officially this time. Lucas has a heart attack that same night and almost dies, causing Peyton to fear that she will lose him like everyone else and get distant. However, she and Lucas soon resolve this and decide to just be happy.

Lucas comes out to the lake to find Peyton. ("All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone")

They decide to go all the way during a party in the room where Peyton first rejected Lucas in Season One, but they are interrupted when Peyton hears everyone cat-calling at what she thinks is a sex tape of her and Nathan. When Lucas and Peyton rush out to put an end to the tape, they, and everyone else, discover that it is in fact, of Nathan and Brooke. Peyton is enraged at Brooke and punches her, giving Brooke a black eye. Later, while at home, she yells at Brooke that she didn't ruin their friendship. Brooke ruined it a long time ago. Following this, Peyton decides to skip prom, but gets convinced not to do so by Nathan. Someone walks to her door and ss she walks to her door to answer it (thinking it's Lucas) the man behind the door turns around and it's actually her stalker, Psycho Derek. He ties her up in her basement and proceeds to make a mock prom for them. Brooke arrives, knowing that Peyton would never skip prom. Psycho Derek tries to kill Brooke, but Peyton pretends to want to do it. Instead, she stabs him. Together, they then defeat him and he ends up in jail. She begins having visions of him and visits him in jail and discovers he was stalking her because she looked like his dead girlfriend. Telling him they both forgive him, she tells him to never come back to her. She then lives together with Brooke, with whom she has made up with. After getting Lucas' consent, she decides to take an internship in L.A. and thus spent the whole summer with Brooke.

Missing years

Lucas proposes to Peyton. ("I Forgot to Remember to Forget")

Peyton moves to Los Angeles to work for Sire Records. She misses Lucas so much that she buys a copy of Lucas' book, An Unkindness of Ravens, every time she saw it. Lucas comes to Los Angeles shortly after he and Nathan lead Gilmore College to the national basketball championship and asks Peyton to marry him. She turned him down, stating that while she wanted to marry Lucas someday, she wasn't ready for it right then and there. A devastated Lucas left her the following morning, abruptly ending their relationship.

Peyton began a relationship with movie producer Julian Baker after meeting him for the second time outside Lucas' book signing where she sees Lindsey kiss Lucas. Julian breaks up with Peyton after tiring of her clear obsession for An Unkindness Of Ravens. After breaking up with Julian, Peyton was heartbroken to find a tabloid story about how he went to Sundance and slept with an A-list actress. Distraught, Peyton was unaware that Julian's father, Paul Norris had planted the story and she began to resent Julian and believe him to be worse than he actually was. While in LA, Peyton starts to miss Lucas and returns to Tree Hill for him.

Season 5

Peyton dreams of disrupting Lucas and Lindsey's wedding. ("Hundred")

It is four years later since high school graduation. Peyton works as the assistant to the assistant, as her boss likes to remind her. Unable to make it in the music business and fearing to lose her integrity, she decides to quit and goes back to Tree Hill with her old best friend, Brooke Davis, and soon moves in with her. Her reunion with Lucas turns out to not be what she wished for, as he has a new girlfriend and it becomes obvious she still loves him. She forces Nathan to come to terms with what he's become after his accident. Finally feeling home and with the moral help from Lucas and the financial backing of Brooke she starts her own label at Tric recruiting her first band, led by a guy named Jason, quite soon but things get rocky and Haley convinces her to fire him and keep Mia, the keyboard player, as she is the true heart of the group. She also struggles with her feelings towards Lucas, especially since his girlfriend Lindsey tries to be nice to her but soon antagonizes her after visiting her old house and remembering how she thought she'd always be with Lucas. This then escalates into a fight with him as he confronts her about not being the same Peyton he used to know but she retorts that he gave up on the two of them. She then realizes herself and reveals to Lucas that she came back to Tree Hill for him and that she still loves him. She kisses him, and he kisses back but when she goes by his house, she finds out he has just proposed to Lindsey. After the initial shock, she tells him that if it is what he wants, she will bury her romantic feelings for him but winds up lashing out at Lindsey when Lindsey pushes her buttons as they are stuck in Tree Hill High's library. Peyton regrets her hostile remarks toward Lindsey when she discovers Lindsey's dad died from cancer, which prompts the two to start from a clean slate regarding their interaction.

Haley finds Peyton throwing water balloons. ("What Comes After the Blues?")

Peyton tricks her former boss into helping her launch Mia under her label. She goes to Lucas's bachelor party with Chase, Brooke's former boyfriend, to seem like she is over Lucas. Chase and Peyton kiss to make Lucas and Brooke jealous after they catch them watching. On Lucas and Lindsey's wedding day, Peyton puts on a brave face while watching her true love say "I do" to another woman. Although the wedding ends up falling apart because Lindsey realizes that Lucas will always be in love with Peyton, she is still hurt because Lucas went through with his wedding vows. After apologizing to him, she focuses on making Haley's new album and helping Brooke with baby Angie. Feeling guilty, she tries to have Lindsey reconcile with Lucas, but Lindsey gives her a copy of Lucas' book and asks her to read it as the book makes it very clear that Lucas is still very much in love with Peyton. One night, Peyton finds Lucas drunk at a bar and gets him home, where he utters that he hates her. Distraught, she starts to spend her time throwing water balloons on people as a form of therapy and later paints "Love song" from the Cure on the River Court to tell Lucas that she will always be in love with him, after which he apologizes for saying that he hates her and it wasn't true. Lucas confesses that even after all this time, losing her and seeing her every time is still really hard for him. During this time, Peyton also received word from Mia about a man who claimed to have known her biological mother Ellie. From what was given, this man could've possibly been her biological father. Shortly after this, Lucas calls either Peyton, Lindsey, or Brooke and asks them if they wanted to get married in Vegas.

Season 6

Peyton talks to Mick about music. ("You've Dug Your Own Grave, Now Lie in It")

It was soon discovered that the person whom Lucas called was Peyton, confirming his everlasting love for her. She arrived at the airport and after sharing passionate kisses, the two hopped on a plane to Vegas to get married. Once they got there, they realized that the chapel was too trashy, so they did not get married. Instead, they drove to L.A. and Lucas proposed to her in the same hotel room that he did years before. The two were still in L.A. during Brooke's attack. After Brooke called Peyton and sounded weird, Lucas and Peyton decide to head back to Tree Hill and have the wedding there instead. Peyton saw Brooke beaten up, but Brooke lied by claiming that she fell down the stairs, and Peyton hesitantly believed her. After finding out about Quentin's death, she saw Brooke throwing clothes out of her store. Brooke then began to yell at Peyton, asking for her house key back in order to feel safe in her home. She later apologized for this. Peyton also comforted Lucas after Q's death and told him the wedding could wait until everything was back to normal.

Peyton ask Lucas to move into Karen's room. ("Messin' with the Kid")

Peyton met a famous musician named Mick Wolf, who used to know Ellie. He was the one who asked Mia about Peyton during the tour. He kept dodging around the subject of Peyton's real father, but said a little more about him each time Peyton brought him up. Peyton continued to get to know Mick and continued to ask about her real father. Then, something inside her snapped after she asked him why her parents gave her up. He replied, "We... I mean they, had a tough decision." Mick accidentally had let the truth slip out, and suddenly Peyton realized this was her father. She invited him over for a nice dinner together but instead of showing up, he went and got drunk at a bar after being sober for a year (as shown by a sobriety chip in his pocket).

She and Lucas also set a date for their wedding, which causes conflict between Lucas and Lindsey with regards to the book tour for Luke's new book, The Comet. Lindsey is heartbroken upon learning of their engagement, but tells Lucas she knew she was right about his feelings for Peyton all along. Peyton goes to the studio and finds Mick passed out on a pool table. She wakes him up and she goes off on him, and he reveals he truly is Peyton's biological father. He also tells her that the sobriety chip was Ellie's during her pregnancy with Peyton. Peyton puts up all her emotional walls and is angry with him for not being upfront with her about who he is. She tells him to leave. Not long afterwards, during a visit to Brooke's, Brooke tells Peyton the truth about how she got all the bruises on her body. Peyton is later seen on the phone with Larry, her adoptive father. She tells him how much she loves him. Peyton reads an article in B. Davis Magazine that tells her that couples moving in together know less about each other than they think they do. Peyton and Lucas soon realize this and decide to lock themselves in the house until they are used to living with each other. They play fun little games with each other, like criticizing each other's choices in food and music, to putting a line of tape down the center of the house to split it into two. Eventually, the two decide to accept their differences since it's what makes them such an amazing couple.

Peyton finds out Julian is making Lucas' movie. ("Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe")

Peyton reconnects with her biological brother Derek, who has returned from the war. They talk about their father Mick and how Derek once asked him to play a USO concert and that Mick never gave him an answer. Peyton decides it's a great idea and says she will put one together. Later she goes to Tric to meet up with Lucas and a guy named Julian, who is interested in making a movie out of Lucas' first novel. Julian was asking Lucas a lot of questions about Peyton before she got there. She runs into Julian near the bathroom, and it is soon revealed that he is her ex-boyfriend. Three weeks go by and Peyton still has not told Lucas the truth about her romantic history with Julian. They first met a year after Peyton's graduation after Peyton turned down the engagement, and ran into each other again a year later after Peyton leaves Lucas' L.A. book signing. Julian convinced Peyton to accompany him to a party, and the two began dating after that. They moved in together and fell in love, but Julian left after realizing Peyton still loved Lucas. In the present, Lucas goes to Julian's hotel room to give him the completed movie script for Ravens and finds a picture of Peyton and Julian together. He steals the picture and shows it to Peyton. Lucas is initially angry and jealous of Peyton's romantic past with Julian, but comes around after he realizes her strength in the midst of his own failed romantic entanglements. Peyton throws a USO concert in which Angels and Airwaves, Mia, and Haley play. She continues to connect with her brother Derek and clash with Julian over Lucas and his movie.

Peyton and Derek at the USO. ("Even Fairy Tale Characters Would Be Jealous")

Peyton collapses on the floor, clutching her side in pain as she crashes down. Mia visits Peyton and Peyton is concerned that Mia is not focused on her work. She suggests to Mia that she listen to a CD of songs she could possibly sing, and they clash because Mia writes all of her own songs. Eventually, Peyton gives up on Mia and asks her to leave the label. Meanwhile, Peyton goes to the doctor regarding her pain, and tells the doctor about Ellie's cancer, which concerns him. She is seen looking at a website with different cancer types on it before the doctor calls her. Her tearful face after the phone call predicts trouble ahead.

Peyton in the hospital. ("You Have to Be Joking (Autopsy of the Devil's Brain)")

Peyton later finds out that she does not have cancer, but is actually pregnant. She tells Lucas first, and Haley finds out in her own time, but Peyton seems hesitant to share her news with Brooke because she knows how much Brooke wanted a family. Peyton does eventually tell Brooke, and Brooke is truly happy for her. Sam also tells Julian about the pregnancy and he says he is happy for Lucas and Peyton. The couple babysits Jamie and Andre as a "practice" for when their child comes, and even though it is hard at times, Jamie and Andre say that they are "the coolest", and they know they will make great parents someday.

Peyton catches the drift that Brooke and Julian are starting a romantic relationship and warns Brooke that after she broke up with him, he slept with an A-list actress after his movie premiere at the Sundance Film Festival. Later, she receives a visit from Julian's dad, with whom she seems to have a great relationship with, and he tells her that Julian not only did not have sex with a famous actress after Sundance, but did not even go to his own movie premiere because he was so depressed after their breakup. Peyton tells this to Brooke, and Brooke decides that Julian is worth the trouble, and Brooke and Julian officially start a romantic relationship. Peyton becomes hormonal as a result of her pregnancy and attempts to deal with both the wedding gift registry and baby gift registry at the same time without Lucas' hel, since he's so busy with the movie. She attempts to put together a crib given to them as a gift from Karen and Andy, but she does not do well since the instructions are in Italian. She also has a "baby-proofer" come over, who turns out to be Skills.

Peyton worries about her wedding. ("A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene")

Peyton has her first ultrasound but is upset because she thinks that Lucas is too busy to come and has forgotten, but Lucas surprises her by coming, and the two get to hear their baby's heartbeat for the first time. In the midst of Lucas showing Peyton a surprise nursery, Peyton feels a jolt in her stomach, and sees a doctor. She has been feeling pregnancy pains since early o, but did not tell Lucas because she did not want him to worry and believed it to be nothing. Lucas and Peyton learn that Peyton has placenta praevia and that having this baby could mean the end of Peyton's life. Lucas, afraid of raising a child that has to go through the same motherless state Peyton did, tries to guilt her into an abortion. Peyton goes on to say if the child's a girl, she wants to name it Anna. If it's a boy, Sawyer. Lucas breaks down at the thought of a life without Peyton and tearfully tells Peyton that he cannot live without her. However, in the end, they both decide to have the child as Peyton says, "We're going to be dancing at this kid's wedding, and spoiling our grandkids. This is it, Luke. I'm having this baby." To which Lucas responds, "No, we're having this baby."

Peyton collapses. ("You and Me and the Bottle Makes Three Tonight")

Peyton, Haley and Mia continue to work on Mia's new album, but for the first song, "Manhattan in the Sky", the label wants Mia to play the song on guitar instead of piano, and they eventually decide to do as the label asks. Peyton and Mia also take Haley on as a full-time producer now that she has been fired. Peyton visits Anna's grave and asks her to watch over her and the baby and to make sure everything ends up alright. She later sits at home drawing different flashback scenes of her and Lucas. Brooke comes to her, seeking relationship advice about Julian, as Brooke is confused about whether or not to return to L.A. with him. Peyton tells her to trust her intuition,and reminds her of what happened when she herself turned down Lucas's proposal. Peyton goes on to see Julian, and she tells him that Brooke is undecided about what to do. She says that in the event she turns him down, it is not because she does not care; her heart's just been guarded a long time. In the end, Peyton finishes a sketch of her and Lucas together, and she pulls out a container of different drawings that chronicle her life and relationship with Lucas. In it, she stores her last drawing, signed "Love, Mom." The container also holds a photograph of her and Ellie at birth, and a benefit album she made. The container is for the baby. Lucas and Peyton talk, and it is revealed neither of them told Brooke or Nathan about the pregnancy problems. Peyton is driving down the road in the Comet with the top down listening to Mia's new song and loving life. She stops at a red light and when it turns green, she begins driving but a big black SUV runs a red light and hits her on the right extremely hard. Amazingly, both Peyton and the baby are fine. Lucas tells Brooke that Peyton's condition is called placental previa and that during her pregnancy or delivery she might hemorrhage. Lucas forces her to go on bed to rest while he goes to assess the damage on the Comet. She tells Haley she wants her to finish producing Mia's new album so Peyton can be there in spirit, but Haley and Mia decide to bring the recording studio to her house because they are, and always will be, a team.

Peyton and Lucas' wedding. ("Forever and Almost Always")

Approximately one month later, Peyton makes a video for the baby in which she spills her heart out about how grateful she is for her friends. She recommends the baby turns on her iPod which features the Honorary Title, the Cure, and Audioslave if she ever encounters difficulties in her life. Lucas catches her making the video. Alarmed, he takes the container away and tells her to stop the video. Peyton goes on to say it's all for 'just in case' but Lucas says that there is no 'just in case', that they'll be fine. Peyton still wants to get married before the delivery. Lucas, believing it to be because of her condition, turns away with the container. Peyton stops the video, frustrated. Brooke and Peyton talk, with Brooke telling Peyton she's planning to adopt Sam, and both of them express how glad they are to have each other. A baby shower is thrown for Peyton, and Brooke, Mia, Sam, and Haley all attend. Haley makes a scrapbook for Peyton. Mia shows Peyton photos of herself, and asks Peyton to decide which should be featured on her album. The group then poses in a photo together. Lucas spends time in the garage repairing the Comet with his nephew, Jamie. Together, they go through the containe, and reflect upon the past. Jamie calls Lucas his own personal Keith Scott and Lucas responds he likes to think of himself as such. The baby shower ends, and Peyton and Lucas are on the couch. Lucas tells her that he wants to get married to her sooner, not because she might die beforehand, but because he loves her, and wants her to be his wife. Lucas and Peyton are married at the lake where they first met, and Haley is the minister.

Peyton with Lucas and Sawyer. ("Remember Me as a Time of Day")

Lucas and Peyton decide to get married by the lake where they first met. Haley officiates their wedding and the couple share heartfelt vows and declare their love for each other in front of their family and friends (Larry and Karen were unable to make it due to the short notice.) After the reception, Lucas and his new wife go home and Peyton collapses on the floor while waiting for Lucas' surprise. Lucas walks in the house and finds Peyton unconscious on the floor in a pool of blood. Peyton is rushed into hospital by a blood-covered Lucas, who begs her not to leave him. Peyton goes through an emergency caesarean section, and falls into a coma. The caesarean section is successful and she has a daughter, whom she christens Sawyer Brooke Scott. She later awakes with Lucas and Brooke by her side. Dan visits Peyton and she, after some hesitation, allows Dan to hold Sawyer. Lucas and Peyton then leave Tree Hill with their daughter for a new beginning in their lives together as husband and wife.

Season 7

Picture of Brooke and Peyton, in Baker house.

According to Mark Schwan, Lucas and Peyton are traveling the world; they are spending time with Karen and her partner Andy, and Lucas is writing a new book. In the season opener, Jamie celebrates his seventh birthday, his second without his uncle. Lucas sends Jamie the basketball which was given to him by Keith on Lucas's seventh birthday. In the card, Lucas says he and Peyton miss Jamie every day. She is also missed by all her other close friends, especially Brooke.

Season 8

Peyton is still travelling the world with her family and in-laws. Shortly after her engagement to Julian, Brooke calls Peyton ("Asleep At Heaven's Gate"). Lucas is writing a new novel and Peyton let Haley run her Red Bedroom day to day operation as a silent partner. Unfortunately, Peyton and Lucas could not attend Brooke's wedding as Sawyer was ill and the family was unable to travel ("The Other Half Of Me").

Season 9

Peyton and her husband take care of her nephew and niece in her home during Haley's search for Nathan.


  • Relationships: Peyton Sawyer Scott/Relationships
  • Family: Peyton Sawyer Scott/Family
  • Friendships: Peyton Sawyer/Friendships


Peyton was raised by Larry and Anna Sawyer in a loving and caring household. Tragically, when Peyton was 8 years old Anna died in a car accident, rushing to fetch Peyton from school. Anna's death devastated Peyton and she was left emotionally scarred by losing her mother at a young age. Larry was forced to raised Peyton as a single parent from there on, although due to his work Peyton was often alone and heavily depended on her best friend Brooke.

Peyton with her husband, Lucas, and their daughter, Sawyer.

At 17, Peyton discovered that she was adopted by her parents when her biological mother Ellie Harp came to Tree Hill to gain a relationship with Peyton. At first Peyton wanted nothing to do with Ellie but once she found out Ellie had cancer and was dying the two grow close and Peyton saw Ellie as her second mother. When Ellie passed away Peyton was hit hard especially since she had now lost both her mothers and just after she found Ellie. A few years later she meant her biological father Mick Wolf but the two had a rocky relationship and after meeting Mick, Peyton realiszd the importance of Larry in her life. Through Mick Peyton has a half-brother Derek Sommers and while at the beginning of their relationship Derek wanted nothing to do with Peyton after her attack (by Ian) the two formed a close bond, with Derek acting like the protective older brother.

Peyton then married Lucas Scott and gained a larger extended family although many of who she was already very close to for example her mother-in-law Karen Roe and sister-in-law Haley James Scott. And the two expanded their family with their daughter, Sawyer Brooke Scott.

Romantic Life

  • Leyton
  • Jeyton
  • Neyton


First Name

  • Peyton is a unisex name of Old English origin, possibly related to the name Patrick or Patrica. The meaning of the name is "noblewoman" or "fighting man's estate"
  • Other spellings of Peyton include Payton, Peyden, Peydon, Peyten, Peytin, Peytyn and Peighton.

Middle Name

  • Elizabeth is a feminine name of Hebrew origin. The meaning of the name is "consecrated to God".

Personality and traits

Peyton Sawyer

Peyton was initially introduced as the troubled, beautiful cheerleader, music and art-loving girlfriend of Nathan whom everyone wants to date. She is Brooke's best friend,and gets to know Lucas because of his joining the basketball team. She breaks up with Nathan after realizing she deserved someone who truly understood, respected and loved her and attempted to be in a relationship with Lucas, who was already dating Brooke.

Peyton 3x06 002.jpg

Peyton was fiercely independent with a guarded heart and a tough life. From her mother's death to her unluckiness in love, Peyton's hardships have shaped her into a caring, unique, mysterious, rebellious and emotionally unstable character. She defies the cheerleader stereotype with her intelligence, her refusal to hide who she really was ,and her living life the way she wants to. She always hated popularity and cheerleading, she only joined the team because her mother was a cheerleader. Her personality had been so magnetic that a number of men have loved her. She was more rational and grounded, compared to Brooke but not as much as Haley. Her personal struggles have shaped her and haunt her but her happy ending was hope that even the most torn of us could have our fairytale life and all our dreams come true. She was one of the most motivational, strong ,and unabashedly real character son the show and as stated by Lucas, her soulmate, she was destined for greatness as she was noble. Peyton is funny, smart ,and sarcastic. She was also very nice. She saw the good in people and wanted to help them. A lot of guys had crushes on her. She is similar to Karen Roe.


  • Her middle name was her biological mother's name.
  • Peyton's favorite Starburst flavor was orange.
  • She loved The Cure.
  • She kept a picture of Ellie and herself as a baby in her leather jacket.
  • She used to go through red lights all the time, but, ironically, it was when she went through a green light that she was hit.
  • Her saddest song of all time was "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang.
  • When she was a kid, each year she would steal a birthday present for Brooke and then pay for it later (her Dad was friends with the manager of the store).
  • Her happiest song was "Happy Birthday", or "pretty much every song that ends with cake."
  • Peyton was the only main female character (besides Deb and Karen) to not appear in Season 7 and Season 8.
  • Prior to her departure after season 6, she appeared in 129 of the first 130 episodes (was absent from season 2, episode 12, Between Order and Randomness.
  • Peyton was one of the only four main characters to not appear in the ninth and final season (the others were Karen, Whitey and Rachel).
  • Brooke kept a photo of herself and Peyton in her own bedroom, placed on her dressing table or in her night table, and one on her fridge.
  • She wanted to name her daughter Annabelle "Anna" Elizabeth Sawyer Scott by giving the baby her surname as well but ended by naming her Sawyer Brooke Scott.
  • Peyton lost her virginity to her brother-in-law, Nathan.
  • Peyton is only core girl to be in relationship with the Scott Brothers.
  • Peyton said she would "always" remain Peyton Sawyer no matter who she married.
  • Mark Schwahn named her character after his high school girlfriend, Peyton Sawyer. He stated that Peyton was very similar to his girlfriend and he loved her deeply.
  • She's the only core girl who was not a godmother, but she was a real aunt to Nathan and Haley's kids.



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